Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy birthday to me

The last time I really celebrated my birthday? I was 21 years old.

Birthdays, instead, have evolved to a day I spend with my loved ones, keeping it simple in a hectic life. So I was surprised the other day, when, while having cake with my department, someone asked me what I was doing for my birthday.

My husband was scheduled for work that night so I have kid duty, I explained.

Silence. As if there was something wrong with me for that remark.

Finally someone ventured, "Take the kids someplace where they eat free."

But I realize I would be outnumbered during the witching hour, and setting the expectation of perfect behavior in a booth just wasn't my idea of fun. Strangely enough, I'm more than content to make the salmon I've been meaning to cook from my freezer and let the kids enjoy their life.

So, yes, I have no major plans to celebrate #37. But I'm OK with that too. Because my favorite people will make it a party, in their own quirky kid ways.


bhelenj said...

Happy Birthday daughter,
Have a great day and a fun evening with the kids.

sustainamom said...

Do most 37 year olds with kids celebrate their birthdays like 21 year olds?? I'm with you — my idea of a happy birthday is a low-stress night with the kids that I love... although it is better when husbands don't have to work, too. I hope it is a happy one!

Green Bean said...

Happiest birthday! I hope it was wonderful.