Monday, September 29, 2008

Challenged by my challenges

Two months ago, I took on the one task that most people thought was laughable: reducing my intake of Diet Coke.

But that wasn't all. I also swore off eating out, added sugar, seconds and processed food, all in the name of exploring what it's like to live without.

On the surface, I failed miserably. I went out with my coworkers a few times for lunch; I admittedly stress-ate (on multiple occasions); I even had a (gasp!) Eggo waffle or two with syrup.

But here's the deal. I really came out O.K.

Not only did I drop 12 pounds in the process, but I also learned a few things about myself. I can actually change my habits if persistent enough (my soda consumption is down 25 percent, and I'm hoping to eventually pare it back more). I'm learning to find other ways to deal with my stress, and while they're not foolproof, they are alternatives that I'm sure I'll need to turn to in the coming months.

I've gotten to know myself a little bit better these last few months, and the reality is sometimes, other things in life take priority. Right now, my family's welfare is taking center stage, as we're approaching the start of month six of my husband being without full-time work. We need prayers, people who support us through our stress, and, ultimately, a paycheck, and that trumps little things like questioning the perfection of every item that touches your lips.

I guess you could say I'm challenged all around by our challenges, both fun and not-so-fun. But realizing where you're starting at is the first step to making changes.


Cathy said...

Good for you. It's amazing how much you can learn from challenges! So sorry to hear your husband has been out of full-time work--talk about a major stressor. My good thoughts go to you.

Anonymous said...

R - I didn't realize your husband had been out of work for so long. May I ask what he does or what type of work he is interested in? Not sure if you could move to Bloomington but I can certainly put out some feelers in the area for you - and I know that every little bit helps - we have been there done that! Thankfully, at the time, I was still employed so we managed to survive, but it was VERY stressful! I will be glad to help in anyway that I can and I will certainly keep you and your family in my prayers!

And I am so impressed with your changes in diet! That is so amazing! I have made lots of changes too - organic foods, no soda, etc. but I haven't had the same results as you!

Robbie said...

BB-Contact me offline and I'll fill you in.