- Carmel begins May 22
- Fishers begins June 5
- Noblesville begins May 29
- Westfield beings June 4
Know of other markets opening up this spring? Post the details and links below!
Meanwhile, in Colorado, Kellie at the Greenhab has caught spring fever. Her home has been busy planning for gardens and summer camps, flirting with new recipes in cookbooks and trying new things she'd might have not done had it not been frigid inside. "My showers may be longer and hotter than they are in the summer months and I may drive more often than walking, but there are just as many sustainable things to do inside during these dark days of winter that will pull us through to the inevitable days of spring," she writes.
Steph at Greening Families turns her thoughts to the home office. "When I am racing a deadline, I sometimes have a hard time maintaining my motivation for green habits, especially the ones that take a little extra time. " My favorite tip - though for a motivation of an entirely different manner - is conserving through keeping those office supplies out of the reach of eager fingers. Can't tell you how many sheets of work papers have been scrawled on lately by wannabe writers.
Erin at the Green Phone Booth writes how it's time to focus on the positive. Remember that old adage about "smile, and the happiness will follow?" She points out it's the same with any positive change. Focus on the positive, and more good ideas will flow. So start today by listing all of the changes you've made in the recent months. "Yes, the winter is dreary, the root vegetables endless. Yes, the long, gravelly path to sustainability is the road less traveled. But, look how much we have done!" she writes.
While we had a quiet month this month, I hope you join us for March's topic. Visit the APLS Carnival site for the March's topic. If you're interested in hosting for our spring or summer season, e-mail me at goinggreenmama at gmail dot com.
But the other day, when we were once again blessed with a lot of snow, we opted for an unusual afternoon activity. Making "sugar snow."
For those of you not well-versed in the Little House books, a wintertime treat was taking the maple syrup, boiling and pouring over fresh snow until it hardens into a candylike consistency.
The Hungry Reader describes how it was done:
Our favorite moment comes when Laura and her cousins scoop up big plates of snowI figured how hard could it be to recreate? I had a recipe in a cookbook I'd been meaning to explore, and decided there was no better time than now to play a little.
and Grandma pours a ribbon of steaming syrup onto each one. The syrup hardens
into candy, which is devoured immediately. The children go back for again and
again another helping, for "maple sugar never hurt anybody."
If I was a smart woman, I would have followed more conventional instructions. Maybe even used a candy thermometer. But no, in my arrogance, I poured syrup into a measuring cup and stuck it in the microwave.
All good until the first round boiled over, leaving a sticky mess in its wake.
The second round was more contained, but clearly didn't get hot enough. Still, I pulled out a bowl filled with snow from our backyard, poured the hot syrup over it, and ended up with a taffy-like consistency.
If there were no winter, spring would not be as grand.
That sign I passed on the way to work this morning was far too true. But frankly, I’m tired of waiting. For me, it’s tough to stay motivated on things in the winter months.
Single-digit temps and tricky roads make it challenging to get to our winter farmers market to get what’s left of the seasonal produce.
Stacks of garden catalogs and seed packets lie in wait for the snow to melt and the ground to unfreeze. Here in Indiana, we often have to wait until May to plant.
Longer commutes from snow-packed roads mean we tend to slack on the eating, too, relying on a diet too often of boxed macaroni and cheese and more processed foods so that we can just feed the hungry kids.
Spring seems too far away. So how do you stay motivated?
Join us for the February APLS Carnival on staying motivated in the winter months. It’s not too late to join us! E-mail your posts to goinggreenmama at gmail dot com by Feb. 22. We’ll post the highlights here on Feb. 24.
Looking for other recipes to try? Here are some tried-and-true ones that our family enjoys: