Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Random stuff (the 1 a.m. edition)

Random thoughts at 1 a.m....

Actually starting to plant for fall. After taking a fall and winter gardening class through Sharon Astyk, I feel I know enough to be dangerous -- or at least know what I'm doing wrong. But as I've been pulling out plants, I've started up another round of peas, beans, spinach, arugula and carrots. Who knows what else will work, as Indiana's had one of the wierdest weathers I've had since moving here.

Speaking of gardening, I won a Cobrahead (it's a kind of curved weeder and cultivator) the other day through a contest on May Dreams Gardens. I love the way it works, but I can't get out of my mind my husband's comment that it looks like something from Children of the Corn. (Yep, we're dating ourselves, but still...)

I'm loving my babysitter this week. When I picked the kids up Monday, I was greeted with a huge bag of apples from her father's orchard and a few butternut squash, which I've never before cooked with. (Any ideas?) Spent Monday night making a light oatmeal apple crisp and a crock-pot full of applesauce, which I simply left on low overnight to make. It was positively yummy to wake up to the smell of warm apples, cinnamon and brown sugar!

The fall carnival season for APLS - Affluent Persons Living Sustainably - is posted. Feeling less than affluent these days? Your sense of sustainably slowed to a halt? Don't let it stop you. Let's hear your thoughts!

Realizing that I've been slow on this blog lately. Being a working parent, wife, housekeeper (in theory), freelancer, gardener, and all the other hats I wear sometimes means things like this blog drag to a halt. For those of you bearing with me, I appreciate it! I just wish we had more hours in a day sometimes.

OK, hopefully will catch some ZZZs soon... Have a great night!


  1. I can totally relate to the slow blogging thing, especially because of all the things on our plates as working moms. Don't worry; I'm still along for the ride...although both blog writing *and* blog reading have taken a back seat for me lately. Trying to squeeze it in whenever possible.

    Take it easy! Oh, and how is the freelancing going?? Are you still filling in for the writer on maternity leave? Doing anything else? Hope it's going well for you!

  2. My favorite way to make butternut squash is to roast it. Cut it into cubes, toss it with some salt, pepper, sugar (not too much), and olive oil. Also add some quartered shallots to the mix. Yum!

    I am growing butternut squash for the first time this year and cannot wait to eat them!
