Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Do we need 'Green TV'?

I casually was flipping channels the other night when I noticed a new station in the channel guide: Green. Yes, there is now a television station devoted to all things environmentally friendly: Planet Green.

Brought to us by the Discovery Channel people, Planet Green is dubbed as "the first green channel." Its programming includes such topics as green renovations, green vehicles, televised green dinner parties with celebrities and strangely, American Chopper.

Looking at the programming schedule, it seems that the station is trying to buy into green trends and simply be entertaining rather than give its viewers information they can dig into. I hope I'm wrong.

Is it me, or is it kind of ironic that people would sit there, watching television about being more environmentally friendly instead of reading a book, doing a quick Google search or even, I don't know, getting their hands dirty and actually doing something? Do we need a "Green TV" station if that's what's being offered? If so, what programming changes would you make?

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