Saturday, September 25, 2010

Praying for an iPad

This is the saddest confession of my life. I actually prayed for an iPad.

You see, I was at a conference last week, and more vendors than not were doing a giveaway of a new iPad. And I was hooked.

And I actually prayed for one, because in just a few ways it'd make my life easier in the coming months. Sad, huh? But with my job I feel like I need some kind of mobile device (I'm in web communications after all!) and with our negative budget it's just not happening.

Not to mention the appeal of being able to log on to do my email by my kids, while they're playing, instead of traipsing to another room to boot the PC and monitor. (I could even argue it'd be an environmentally friendlier option!)

Sadly, it's not meant to be. But it would have been a great idea...


Carol Michel said...

I want one, too, and I've been registering to win one with anyone who is giving one away. They are seductive...

Anonymous said...

Here's my sad confession: I don't have any idea what an iPad is!

Robbie said...

Rebecca, be glad!

I had a long conversation with my geeky brother, who has one, last night. He seems to think it's not the best solution for me and to go lower-tech with a laptop instead.

Anonymous said...

I want one too...sort of...but on the other hand, I have an iphone and while I like it a lot I can't quite justify a deep desire for something that's basically a really big iphone without the phone capability. I mean, yes, I TOTALLY want one but I'm not going to buy one. Though I drooled slightly the first time I saw a pianist playing a score from one and just leaning up to swipe the screen to turn pages...

I'm holding out for this new tablet technology with a transreflective screen--it can go back and forth between daylight and backlight, so you can see it in any light and it uses WAY less battery power if you use it in daylight (like e-ink) mode...but they keep pushing back production dates on it.